Hotel Neptuno
Hotel Neptuno

Privacy Policy


‘López y Balmaseda, S.L.’ informs you that all personal data received through any form on this website will be treated with the strictest confidentiality in accordance with the privacy and security policy of the entity, as well as with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data. This data will be included in a file, which is registered in the General Registry of the Data Protection Agency. The main purpose of its creation, existence, and maintenance is the processing of personal data in order to manage the accommodation reservations made through this website or for the sending of promotional communications. The recipients of the information are all persons assigned, registered, holders, and collaborators of all the departments and entities associated with the entity, as well as the official bodies that by law require the transfer of data. By sending the form, the sender gives consent to the automated and documentary processing of the data included in our database. We inform you that we may share some of your personal data with third parties and they may contact you by email for matters related to your stay, for example, to know your satisfaction or to obtain feedback on your hotel experience. You have the right to access, rectify, and cancel your data as well as to communicate any alteration or modification that may occur in them. To exercise these rights and for any clarification, you can send an email to: